Yesterday when I was making muffins, I should've remembered we have a farewell morning tea at work tomorrow for Lloyd, who's leaving us for London. So this afternoon, while I tried to ignore the fact that I wagged the gym and upped my chocolate intake, I googled in search of an ultimate brownie recipe. It's hard, because no recipe is perfect. One needed 7 eggs, another needed golden castor sugar (!?), another wanted choc chips AND a block of cooking chocolate, another was purely in ounces and I couldn't be bothered converting the measurements. In the end I decided on this one...
3/4c cocoa
1/2tsp baking soda
150g melted butter
1/2c boiling water
2c sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 1/3c flour
1tsp vanilla
1/4tsp salt
1/2c walnuts or similar (I chose not to add nuts purely because I don't have any)
2c choc bits (I cut up one of the new Whittakers Peanut Chocolate blocks)
- Preheat oven to 180 deg C
- In a bowl, combine cocoa and baking soda. Add half of the melted butter and boiling water, stir until mixed completely.
- Stir in sugar, eggs, vanilla and remaining butter.
- Stir in flour and salt.
- add nuts/chocolate pieces and pour into a greased 30cmx20cm tin (I used a smaller one, because that's all I had)
- Bake for 35-40 minutes.
Well, the bad news is I forgot the vanilla, because in the recipe I am reading from it lists vanilla as an ingredient but it doesn't say where to add it so I somehow completely missed it! However the brownie is still AMAZING, the only brownie I've ever made that I've been happy with. Would like to use a whole block of Whittakers chocolate next time instead of just half a block, but the odd mouthful of peanut butter was delicious anyway. I used a smaller pan that recommended above and it made a delicious, chunky brownie.
Now I just have to master how long to let it cool for because cutting it. I'm impatient, and it often crumbles a little...
Definitely recommend this recipe!
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